Lexington Water
Lexington Water
Lexington Water found that Latin America and the Caribbean have abundant water resources, but they have poor infrastructure. These assets and resources play a strategic role in regional socio-economic development and job creation. The availability of water in Mexico has decreased from 18,035 m3 / inhabitant / year in 1950 to 3,982 m3 in 2015; this according to the World Bank.
Approximately 76% of the water is used in agriculture, but inefficient use of water and competition between water users is generating conflicts. Mexico is a predominantly urban nation with 80% of its population living in urban settlements (approximately 95 million inhabitants). Urban and rural water security is an important priority for all population and economic sectors.

Impact Investing | “ESG”
Our planet faces enormous economic, social and environmental challenges. To combat them, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define global priorities and aspirations for 2030. These goals represent an unprecedented opportunity to eliminate poverty. extreme and put the world on a sustainable path.
Water is considered a multi-impact investment, as it affects the microclimate, the food supply, the industrial chain, health, productivity, and the environment in general. A study by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that the global economic return on spending on sanitation is USD$5.5 per USD invested. Our investment decisions include considerations regarding the impact on the UN SDGs.

Main objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda.
Investment Thesis
Lexington Water is an Investment Platform to develop multiple projects, both greenfield and brownfield, such as: desalination plants, water treatment, wastewater treatment and reuse, water cycle management solutions, aqueducts, distribution network management, and advanced solutions like Smart Water and Smart Meters. We have partnered with Veolia and Blukey to ensure excellent operation and maintenance of the projects.